COVID-19 Live Statistics
Ever since WHO declared Covid-19 disease a pandemic, over [cvct-text field=”confirmed”] confirmed Coronavirus cases have been recorded worldwide. The recovery rate has been recorded as [cvct-text field=”recovered-per”], based on the fact that a total of [cvct-text field=”recovered”] patients have recovered out of total [cvct-text field=”confirmed”] Covid-19 positive cases.
Unfortunately, the number of deaths is alarming. Over [cvct-text field=”death”] people have died globally due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This accounts for a mortality rate of [cvct-text field=”death-per”] around the world.
[cvct-text field=”active”]+ cases are still active, that represents [cvct-text field=”active-per”] of the total number of cases detected worldwide.
[cvct country-code=”all” style=”style-3″ title=”COVID-19 Live Statistics” label-total=”Total” label-deaths=”Deaths” label-recovered=”Recovered” bg-color=”#f9005b” font-color=”#fff”]
[cvct-maps title=”Global Stats” show-list=”no” layout=”style-1″]
[cvct-tbl layout=”layout-2″ show=”10″ bg-color=”#444″ font-color=”#ffffff”]
[cvct-charts title=”COVID-19 Total Cases Stats” width=”100%” height=”450″]
[cvct-rate-distribution-charts title=”Global data” country_code=”all” label-confirmed=” confirm cases” label-recovered=” recovered cases” label-deaths=”death cases” label-critical=”critical cases” label-active=”Active cases”]
[cvct-charts show-data=”cases” title=” Global COVID-19 Infected Cases Stats” type=”pie”]
[cvct-charts show-data=”recovered” title=” Global COVID-19 Infected Cases Stats” type=”pie”]
[cvct-charts show-data=”deaths” title=” Global COVID-19 Infected Cases Stats” type=”stack”]