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Aga Khan Agency for Habitat and Government of Gilgit-Baltistan sign the Resilient Hunza Plan



AKAH Pakistan World Water Day 2020 Stories

The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH Pakistan) has signed a partnership agreement with the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan to conduct a study for a sustainable solution of drinking water supply for central Hunza sourced from Attabad lake. The feasibility will include Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessments of the supply line and eight settlements. The agreement was signed between the Planning and Development Department of Gilgit Baltistan, the District of Hunza, and the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat in Hunza.

Central Hunza faces acute water shortage as most settlements depend on two glacial melt streams (Hassanabad Nallah and Ultar Nallah) as their primary source of water.  The recent glacial lake outburst floods from both glaciers have severely impacted water supply and other community infrastructure.  Growth in tourism to the area, critical for economic development, adds further pressure on the region’s water resources.  Using its rich experience around the design and implementation of water supply systems in mountain areas combined with its hazard risk assessment and overall habitat planning expertise AKAH will provide technical support to the Government on this highly important study. 

Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Syed Abrar Hussain Shah, Additional Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan, said that “The Government of Gilgit Baltistan is grateful to Aga Khan Development Network for realizing several development projects, reducing poverty and empowering communities. We value AKAH’s support to the government of GB on various development initiatives particularly around climate change and providing access of clean drinking water to the rural and urban  areas in Gilgit Baltistan.”

In his address, Mr. Fayaz Ahmed, Deputy Commissioner Hunza, shared that “This partnership with AKAH will enable us to provide sustainable access to clean drinking water to 5,500 households, commercial entities, health and education facilities from eight settlements of central Hunza including Faizabad, Altit, Karimabad, Ganish, Garelth, Haiderabad, Dorkhand and Aliabad  This feasibility study will not only identify solutions for the current needs of the community but also help boost the tourism potential of the area in the years to come” 

In his remarks, Mr. Nawab Ali Khan, Chief Executive Officer, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Pakistan shared that “AKAH has the mandate of creating resilient human habitats and we will support any initiative that is aligned with our mandate.” He further said “AKAH is thankful to the government for all its support that has enabled us to serve communities in need.” 

Over the last two decades, the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Pakistan has provided 500,000 people with water and sanitation facilities across Pakistan mainly in mountain communities. This has resulted not only in reducing waterborne diseases but also improved health and economic conditions as well as reduced the burden on women and girls of fetching water from long distances.


AKAH and NUST Collaborate on Habitat Planning for Disaster-Prone Valleys in Pakistan



The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Pakistan signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Office of Sustainability, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan, to develop sustainable habitat plans for disaster-prone valleys in Northern Pakistan. 

Through this partnership, AKAH will collaborate with NUST to develop habitat plans for five valleys in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral that are vulnerable to climate change-induced disasters.  The partners will conduct socio-economic, cultural, and environmental assessments and research to develop innovative contextual spatial plans with rigorous stakeholder participation.

The habitats plans will provide a road map for all development partners and stakeholders to optimize resources and help build safe and resilient habitat where individuals, families, and communities can thrive.

AKAH’s team of technical experts and community members are conducting a Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (HVRA) in Zulfiqarabad, Jutial, Gilgit. HVRA is the critical first step in AKAH’s approach to disaster risk reduction and habitat planning, helping communities understand existing risks and plan for safe and sustainable new development.

In his remarks Dr. Rizwan Riaz, Pro-Rector RIC NUST shared that “embedding core principles of sustainability is one of the strategic aims of NUST. We aim to align all of NUST’s core functions i.e. Academics and Students’ engagement, Research and Innovation, Operations and Governance, and Stakeholders Management with the UN SDGs thereby transforming NUST into an SDG-engaged, 4th generation university in Pakistan”.

Representatives of AKAH, P, and NUST at the MoU signing ceremony held on 03 Sep 2021.

Addressing the ceremony, Nawab Ali Khan, Chief Executive Officer, AKAH, Pakistan, shared that “In the last few years, Pakistan has faced the worst impact of climate-induced disasters of its history. Precious lives have been lost, millions of people have become homeless, and the country has suffered major economic losses. One of the accentuating causes is that people build on unsafe locations.

AKAH believes that this major loss and human suffering can be significantly reduced by building in locations that are safer and that provide future growth opportunities. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the development of existing and future settlements is based on proper planning, that incorporates scientific and indigenous knowledge. The partnership agreement between NUST and AKAH will bring together the scientific and field-based knowledge, to develop context-specific and research-driven solutions in order to create resilient communities in Pakistan”.

AKAH and NUST sign MoU at the Office of Sustainability to develop sustainable habitat plans for disaster-prone valleys in Gilgit-Baltistan.

For last the two decades, AKAH has been working in coastal and mountainous areas of Pakistan, to build safe and resilient communities, providing access to WASH facilities, and offering services to build disaster and climate-resilient structures. Going forward, AKAH aims to design its interventions around habitat planning with a greater focus on safe structures, green building, and initiatives to reduce carbon emission to contribute to Pakistan’s broader sustainable development and climate action goals.

Additional Information:

About the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH): AKAH works to ensure that the places people live are as safe as possible from the effects of climate change and natural disasters while also helping them to be prepared to cope with and respond to disasters that do strike. Beyond safety, AKAH aims to ensure people have access to services and opportunities to improve their quality of life. Established in 2016, AKAH combines several agencies and programs of the AKDN that had been working on housing, habitat, and disaster preparedness and relief since the 1990s in South and Central Asia, including Focus Humanitarian Assistance, the Aga Khan Planning and Building Services, and the Disaster Risk Management Initiative.

About National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST): NUST has established the “Office of Sustainability” as per international practices, to pledge the organization’s commitment to sustainability and establish an institutional platform for effective collaboration with national, regional, and international stakeholders on sustainability initiatives. The mandate of the Office of Sustainability is to adopt the UN SDGs framework to align core functions of NUST with the global agenda 2030. The office outreaches to establish cross-sectoral national and international partnerships to develop indigenous solutions, through interdisciplinary research and innovation, to address the impending challenges faced in achieving the SDGs, to test and co-create innovative technologies developed in-house, and to ensure the socio-economic impact of the research and innovation outcomes.

For more information, contact.

Mehar Aftab Salma

Communication Coordinator 

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Celebrating World Environment Day with a global conversation on Ecosystem Restoration for Quality of Life



Celebrating World Environment Day with a global conversation on Ecosystem Restoration for Quality of Life
AKAH has joined hands with the Govt. of Pakistan to develop water infrastructure for 50 billion trees to be planted in Gilgit-Baltistan

The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, the Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan, World Habitat Awards, and the United Nations Habitat Programme, co-organized an international virtual seminar on Ecosystem Restoration for Quality of Life. The seminar was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Climate Change, the United Nations, INGOs, Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) agencies and partners, donor agencies, academia, media, and community organizations. The virtual seminar, held on 8 June 2021, was part of a series of official events celebrating World Environment Day (WED).

Recognizing Pakistan’s global leadership in advancing ecosystem conservation and protection, it was selected to host this year’s WED together with the United Nations Environment Programme. This year’s WED theme was restoring the earth’s damaged ecosystems to go from exploiting nature to healing it. WED also launched the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, a global rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems around the world, for the benefit of people and nature.

Representatives of MoCC , International organizations and AKDN agencies, participating in the seminar.

In his message, Special Assistant to the Prime Minster on Climate Change, Malik Amin Aslam, shared that “Although our contribution to global GHG emissions is less than 1%, Pakistan’s people, biodiversity and economy are severely impacted by climate change, with more frequent disasters. We are working to counteract these trends through ambitious initiatives such as the honorable Prime Minister’s Clean Green Pakistan Programme and the Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme to restore the ecosystem and electric vehicle policy.

The government is also working on developing the first-ever green building codes for the country. I am glad to see development institutions like the Aga Khan Development Network and UN-Habitat contributing to these efforts for a greener Pakistan”.

During the seminar, speakers from UN-Habitat, Aga Khan University, Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, and Aga Khan Agency for Habitat shared their experiences in ecosystem restoration and improving quality of life for communities living in mountainous areas to coastal belts and urban centres of Pakistan and globally.

AKAH,has provided climate vulnerable communities with energy efficient solutions to address their issues of heating & health

In his opening remarks, Rafael Tuts, Director Programme Division, UN-Habitat, said that “We have been exploiting and destroying our planet’s ecosystems, and the pandemic has also shown how disastrous the consequences of ecosystem loss can be. We urgently need to reverse our unsustainable lifestyles and how we design, plan and manage cities.

UN-Habitat in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate Change carried out a study on “Policy Guidelines for Development of Green Building Code”, based on which ‘Green Building Guidelines were developed for the Prime Minister 5 Million Naya Pakistan Housing Programme’. The adoption of Green building guidelines will ensure GHG emission reduction, resource efficiency in the consumption of building materials, water and energy use and will result in greening the building construction in Pakistan”.

Mountain ecosystems are particularly rich in terms of biodiversity, culture, and critical natural resources such as water. Onno Ruhl, General Manager of the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, explained, “mountains and mountain communities are on the frontlines of climate change, facing the threat of melting glaciers, unpredictable weather, and flash floods.

AKAH is working to restore these fragile ecosystems and build resilient habitats for these communities to thrive. We combine data, community engagement, and world-class planning to help communities understand and adapt to the risks they face to plan for a better future.

AKAH, P, is helping authorities and communities by assessing, monitoring glaciers, flood and landslide through use of EWS & technology

To prevent further degradation and rebuild natural capital AKAH promotes nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction and sustainable infrastructure and service delivery.”

David Ireland, Chief Executive of World Habitat, said: “What makes AKAH’s work exceptional is that it’s not just responding to the effects of the climate emergency but is being proactive in protecting people from its effects – through using technology and the knowledge of the communities themselves. It provides communities with the knowledge of where and how to live in safety in a changing world. This has to be the best way for communities vulnerable to disasters and the effects of climate change to protect themselves. The potential for this approach to be adapted and used in similar areas in Pakistan and elsewhere is absolutely huge.”

Environmental stewardship has long been a core strategic priority for the AKDN cutting across the work of all its agencies across Asia and Africa. Hafiz Sherali, President, Aga Khan Council for Pakistan, explained that “In many of the areas where AKDN works, climate change compounds the risk of natural disasters resulting in the loss of lives and livelihoods. The AKDN is committed to protecting and restoring ecosystems while improving the quality of lives of the millions of people we serve. We take a holistic approach to mitigate disaster risk and proactively protect the environment.”

AKAH, P, helps communities through development of structural mitigation to mitigate disaster risk and its impacts in GBC

Nawab Ali Khan, CEO, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat Pakistan added, “AKAH is honored to celebrate World Environment Day with the government of Pakistan, vulnerable communities, and our national and international partners. Decades of experience have guided us that only by working together can we hope to overcome the environmental challenges we face in Pakistan and globally.” He further added, “We are proud to partner with the government on its ambitious efforts to plant 50 million trees in Gilgit-Baltistan, build sustainable water and sanitation systems and develop nationwide green building guidelines.”

By sharing practical examples, celebrating successes, and calling attention to the challenges, the seminar aimed to initiate a dialogue to put the world on track for a sustainable future.

For more details:
Mehar Aftab Salma
Communication Coordinator
Aga Khan Agency for Habitat


The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat works to ensure that the places people live are as safe as possible from the effects of climate change and natural disasters while also helping them to be prepared to cope with and respond to disasters that do strike. Beyond safety, AKAH aims to ensure people have access to services and opportunities to improve their quality of life. Established in 2016, AKAH combines several agencies and programs of the AKDN that had been working on housing, habitat, and disaster preparedness and relief since the 1990s in South and Central Asia, including Focus Humanitarian Assistance, the Aga Khan Planning and Building Services, and the Disaster Risk Management Initiative.

UN-Habitat The UN-Habitat’s vision of “a better quality of life for all in an urbanizing world” is bold and ambitious. UN-Habitat works with partners to build inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities. UN-Habitat promotes urbanization as a positive transformative force for people and communities, reducing inequality, discrimination and poverty. UN-Habitat works in over 90 countries to promote transformative change in cities and human settlements through knowledge, policy advice, technical assistance and collaborative action. UN-Habitat’s new strategic plan 2020-2023 adopts a more strategic and integrated approach to solving the challenges and opportunities of twenty-first century cities and other human settlements. Our mission embodies the four main roles of the organization, which can be summarized as: think, do, share and partner.

The World Habitat Awards is an international charity dedicated to finding, supporting, sharing and celebrating projects related to housing that can have an “overwhelmingly positive impact on individuals, families and communities”. It posits that housing is a basic right. Its World Habitat Awards – organised in partnership with UN-Habitat – “recognise and highlight innovative, outstanding and sometimes revolutionary housing ideas, projects and programmes from across the world”. For more information, please see:

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